
The Oracle Fusion Connector is used to move Vendor information between PaymentWorks and a client’s Oracle Fusion ERP. This connector runs on an automated schedule and is responsible for periodically syncing Approved Vendor Data from PaymentWorks to Oracle Fusion.

Supported Actions

The Connector supports the following default actions:

  • Add a New Vendor
  • Invite an existing Vendor to PaymentWorks
  • Add a New Remittance Site for a Connected Vendor
  • Update a Vendor’s Remittance Site Address
  • Update a Vendor’s Corporate Profile
  • Update a Vendor’s Corporate Address
  • Add a new Bank Account for a Vendor
  • Update a Vendor’s Contact Information

For specific details of how fields are mapped to your Oracle Fusion ERP as well as any custom implementation details, see the Functional Specification that was delivered to you as part of your project kickoff.

How it Works


The PaymentWorks Oracle Fusion Connector processes Registrations in three steps:

  1. Polling: On a regular interval, the PaymentWorks connector will poll for Registrations that are in an Approved state and stage them from synchronization with the Oracle Fusion ERP. Registrations that are staged for synchronization will be placed into a Processed status – this indicates that the data has been pulled from PaymentWorks and is pending entry into the Oracle Fusion ERP.
  2. Synchronize the ERP: Once data has been pulled from PaymentWorks it is transmitted to the ERP where records are created and/or edited as needed. For more details about how Custom Fields are managed see the Functional Specification that was delivered to you at the start of your Integration Project.
  3. Update PaymentWorks: Once the data has been correctly stored in the ERP, the connector updates the status of the Registration or Update in PaymentWorks to Connected. This indicates that the data has been correctly synchronized and that future updates to Vendor information will be associated with the correct records in Oracle Fusion.


  1. Polling: On a regular interval, the PaymentWorks connector will poll for Updates that are in an Approved state and stage them from synchronization with the Oracle Fusion ERP.
  2. Synchronize the ERP: Once data has been pulled from PaymentWorks it is transmitted to the ERP where records are created and/or edited as needed. For more details about how Custom Fields are managed see the Functional Specification that was delivered to you at the start of your Integration Project.
  3. Update PaymentWorks: Once the data has been correctly stored in the ERP, the connector updates the status of the Update in PaymentWorks to Processed. This indicates that the data has been correctly synchronized and the information is now fully up-to-date in the ERP.

Oracle Fusion APIs Used by the PaymentWorks Connector

The following endpoints are used by the PaymentWorks connector when interfacing with the Oracle Fusion ERP

Update Supplier/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/
Update Supplier Address/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/child/addresses
Update Default Site Payment Method/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/
Update External Payee Delivery Method/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/
Create Supplier/fscmRestApi/resources/
Create Supplier Contact/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/child/contacts
Create Supplier Site/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/child/sites
Create Supplier Business Classification/fscmRestApi/resources/
Create Supplier Address/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/child/addresses
Create External Bank Account/fscmRestApi/resources/
Set Default Site Payment Method/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/child/
Create Extenal Payee Delivery Method/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/
Get Supplier(s)/fscmRestApi/resources/
Get Supplier Contact/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/child/contacts/{contactID}
Get Supplier Address/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/child/addresses
Get Supplier Contact Address/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/child/contacts/{contactID}/child/
Get Supplier Business Classifications/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/child/businessClassifications
Get External Bank Name / Get External Bank Branch Number/fscmRestApi/resources/
Get External Payee/fscmRestApi/resources/
Get Payment Instrument Assignment/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}
Get Standard Lookups / Get Supplier Type / Get Tax Organization Type/fscmRestApi/resources/
Get Supplier Sites/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/child/sites
Get Supplier Business Classifications/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/child/BusinessClassifications
Get External Bank Account/fscmRestApi/resources/{supplierID}/child/accounts
Get Bank By Routing Number/fscmRestApi/resources/

Troubleshooting Common Problems

Registration Stuck in “Processed” Status

If a Registration is stuck in a Processed status, first ensure that the appropriate amount of time has elapsed since the record was Approved. It can take up to an hour for data to correctly sync to the ERP and move from Processed to Connected.

For Registrations that have been in a Processed state for more than one hour, a support ticket can be submitted to PaymentWorks through the Support page and the PaymentWorks support team will investigate the issue. When submitting the ticket, be sure to include:

  • The Registration ID
  • The ERP the data is being sent to (e.g. “Oracle Fusion”)

Update Stuck in “Approved” Status

If an Update is stuck in an Approved status, first ensure that the appropriate amount of time elapsed since the record was Approved. It can take up to an hour for data to correctly sync to the ERP and move from Approved to Processed.

For Updates that have been in an Approved state for more than one hour, a support ticket can be submitted to PaymentWorks through the Support page and the PaymentWorks support team will investigate the issue. When submitting the ticket, be sure to include:

  • The Update ID
  • The ERP the data is being sent to (e.g. “Oracle Fusion”)

Custom Fields not Synchronized to the ERP

Note that not all Custom Fields will automatically be synchronized to the ERP. For the fields that are automatically updated as part of your integration see the Functional Specification that was delivered as part of your Integration Project. For Custom Fields that are not synchronized automatically per the Functional Specification, the data can be manually copied from the PaymentWorks platform into the Oracle Fusion ERP.

If a Custom Field that has been identified in the functional spec is not synchronizing to the ERP a support ticket can be submitted to PaymentWorks through the Support page and the PaymentWorks support team will investigate the issue. When submitting the ticket, be sure to include:

  • Whether the field is being synchronized as part of an Update or Registration
  • The Update or Registration ID
  • The Custom Field that isn’t being migrated
  • The ERP the data is being sent to (e.g. “Oracle Fusion”)