Before PaymentWorks

Piles of paper, unsecured electronic files and time-consuming manual look-ups rife with the potential for human error.

  • Manual verification of Tax ID and addresses
  • Sanctions lists checked at onboarding and with every PO
  • Phone calls to vendors to attempt to verify banking information
  • Waiting (and waiting) for missing documents and returned phone calls
  • Constant worrying: what did I miss? What is outdated? Why are there so many duplicates?

With PaymentWorks

Automated data checks where red flags automatically trigger approval workflow for review.

  • Automated 3rd party data checks for tax ID and address captured at submission
  • Sanctions lists checked at onboarding then continually monitored through vendor lifecycle
  • No more chasing forms: W9s, insurance, diversity documents and conflicts of interest all captured during submission
  • Submission automatically triggers approval workflow with timestamps